We are a group of volunteers, whose primary goal is to raise funds, and support ongoing efforts to enhance the lives of the Residents of Princess Court.
Inge is literally the face of Long Term Care in Dryden. She was instrumental in bringing LTC to the attention of everybody needed, and lead the lobbying so Princess Court could be built, and therefore take care of so many Dryden Area Residents here in Dryden, vs. being sent to places out of town such as Kenora and Fort Frances. DECO evolved from this – Dryden Extended Care Organization, and still today, more than 40 years later, fundraises to help ensure our loved ones have what they need, to live a full life here in Dryden at Princess Court. Inge has been the Chair of DECO all this time – she still is part of DECO, but has recently stepped back from the Chair position.
DECO helps fund in several area of Princess Court – some examples include:
Please like and follow our new FB Page “Princess Court DECO”
The Tuck Shop, birthday parties, and anything else: please contact us! Via Email: princesscourtdeco@gmail.com or Call Carol Gardam at 807-221-8459
November 2023:
Chair: Carol Gardam
Vice Chair: Lorraine Gadd
Treasurer: Brenda Wood
Secretary: Cecille Boughner