We are a group of volunteers dedicated to making Pinecrest Home a better place for residents to live.
The Auxiliary was founded in 1957 to help enhance and enrich the lives of the Pinecrest residents. Over the years the Auxiliary has provided many necessities and “Wish List” items that are not covered by the Home’s budget. Seven days a week, the Auxiliary volunteers operate a Nevada table and the “Tuck Shop”, which provides a place for residents, family and friends to socialize and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, ice cream and other goodies. Through those two activities, plus fundraising and generous individual, corporate and “In Memoriam” donations, the Auxiliary has been able to assist in bringing comfort and enrichment to the everyday life of the residents.
Some of the things that have been bought by the Auxiliary over the years consist of furniture for the Tuck Shop and Unit lounges, adjustable dining tables and chairs, a wheelchair washer, a spa tub, resident lifts, blanket warmers, ice machine, window coverings, TVs and a sound system, auditorium chairs, door wraps for Unit 4 and many more.
The Auxiliary also holds a monthly birthday party for the residents providing cake, ice cream and flowers (generously sponsored by various community donors). A card and small monetary gift is given to each of the birthday celebrants. At Christmas, the Auxiliary members provide homemade dainties and cookies for the resident Unit Christmas parties.
We are eager to welcome new members who wish to give some of their time, talent and energy to assist the Auxiliary in their endeavours. We are always looking for new ways to fundraise and especially encourage family members of the residents to get involved in how the Auxiliary is helping their loved ones. Volunteers decide how much time they can give and can be involved in anything from organizing events or selling tickets, to baking for funerals and unit parties or manning the Tuck Shop or Nevada ticket table.
For additional information please call our President, Susan Norton, at 468-7583 or email senorton52@icloud.com. You can also check out our “Pinecrest Home Auxiliary” Facebook page. Messages are welcome. Monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday.
Donations to the Auxiliary can be made by cheque payable to “Pinecrest Home Auxiliary” or at CanadaHelps.org.