District of Kenora Homes & Community Support Services

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Pinecrest Home


Family Council

Family Council Meets the Second Tuesday of every month from 5:30pm – 7:00pm in the Club Day Away Room

Family Council Contact Info: 

Terms of Reference

Our mission is to provide sensitive and caring support for families and friends of new and long-term residents.   We want to ease the stress of admissions and transfers, create friendship bonds and provide a safe and knowledgeable forum for families.

Council Members:
All members of the Family Council shall have or have had a relative or friend as a resident of Pinecrest Care Home.

At each meeting, we request a volunteer to fill the following positions including these duties:

  • Chairperson: The role of the chairperson is to provide leadership and will guide the meeting, as per the agenda. Before the meeting starts ask the council members if they have reviewed the previous meeting minutes and if there are any corrections, and if they would like to add any additional items to the agenda.
  • Recorder: Takes notes of the meeting, summarizing the meeting. Is responsible to type and distribute the minutes of the meeting to the Council Members.   Additional duty is to prepare the agenda for the next meeting.

For more information please visit the Family Council Ontario website at fco.ngo.

Resident Council

The Pinecrest Residents’ Council is a formal advisory body that provides an opportunity for residents to actively make change in matters affecting their daily lives. Resident Council is a safe environment that encourages unity, partnership and mutual support, to contribute to increased quality of life for all residents in the home. Residence Council is open to all residents living in Pinecrest Home. The council meets once a month and is facilitated by the Program Services Supervisor.

If you would like more information about The Pinecrest Resident Council please contact Theresa Wilson Program Services Supervisor at 807-468-3165 Ext. 3236 or email: theresa.wilson@kenoradistricthomes.ca

The Pinecrest Resident Council Mission Statement: One United Voice

The Pinecrest Resident Council seeks to promote the following Objectives:
  • To be respectful, friendly, and welcoming
  • To promote a shared home environment
  • To be directed by a ‘Shared Leadership Team’
  • To be honest, active, and accountable
  • To plan long term
  • To be collaborative, cooperative, and cohesive
  • To be transparent and fair
  • To encourage friendship and advocate for resident rights
The Pinecrest Resident Council is governed by a Shared Leadership Team. This shared leadership team is made up of interested residents of all abilities who have expressed an interest in leading the Pinecrest Resident Council. The responsibilities of leading the Residents’ Council are shared equally across the members of the leadership team. Easing the pressure off a select few and sharing it among the whole team. The Shared Leadership Team works cooperatively together; giving each team member an opportunity to learn and use different skills and personal strengths. The Shared Leadership Team offers better representation from all residents from all home areas; increasing individual confidence to try new things as part of a team. The Pinecrest Resident Council is a member of the Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils which was formed in 1981, by a small group of residents living in long-term care. Since that time, OARC has continued to grow and gain member representation from Residents’ Councils province-wide, to better reflecting diverse experiences of people living in long-term care.

OARC’s Mandate


  • To encourage and support the formation and operation of Residents’ Councils in long-term care homes;
  • To assist and encourage residents of long-term care homes to become active participants in the operation and management of their homes and in the community at large;
  • To assist and encourage residents in sharing and consolidating ideas and promoting policies that improve the standard of care and quality of living for all residents; and
  • To educate the community about issues faced by residents of long-term care homes with a view to improving the standard of care and quality of living for all residents.